In 2016 we bought the Trade of repairing Moore Jig Grinding Heads from GRIND TECH / Emco We had long used GRIND-TECH’s service to refurbish our
Heads, and been very happy with their service. Naturally we were very sorry that they were retiring from this activity.
Given our need for this work to be done – and suspecting that other would have the same need - we move the activity to Billingshurst. Two of our toolmaking
colleague - each with over thirty years of experience - were trained to perform the work
Our colleague Frank Jennings hard at work on a Head, with the precision balancing equipments in the background.
We keep a stock of the high precision replacement bearings needed during the refurbishment
Should your Heads need work done on them, we would be please to give you a cost and delivery time for a repair
Contact Andy Bagley at